On to a cannonball run.

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Location: Singapore

" Mom! One day I'll wanna grow up to be like EuniceNg! "

Monday, April 27, 2009


Life has been treating me relatively well since school began I guess.
okay, not exactly. Whirlwind of crazy assignments and whats not & stuff haha.
I guess this marks a new phase in my life.
Seriously I've never been so hardworking,till now. Well, I kinda figured out that I just have to accept the fact that everyone who's in VSC obviously can draw & they're awesome at it. Ranting about drowning in this competitive course ain't helping so I'll give my best for everything!!! I'm really grateful to be in VSC still (: After all, this IS the real design environment.
Haha but secretly,there were a few nights when I was stressing out cos I was too tired to complete my drawings thru' the night = regretting the next morn :X
It was during those nights when I thought thru'.. Will passion dry out when exhaustion seeps in? Cos for a moment I asked myself, did I regret wasting 1yr for this course & what if I give up? But yar, there's nvr a perfect condition for everything.
Just like my commDi lect. said, We humans are to conquer ourselves.
I thank God for Everything,Everyday!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Firstly, Welcome back ELISE & JAIME!!!
I'm about to leave home for the airport soon but gotta bid farewell to u peeps first :D
Going back to my grandparent's country, mixed blood ma ;D
kay, I know what's that expression on your face. Don't roll your eyes and gimme that look HAHA!
& siahuishan, if you're reading... i think im gonna kill you when i come back.
my fringe seriously look like the 'tu zi's' guitarist, I just need a geeky specs --.--
but nvm la, i'll forgive you for ur free haircuts:D but pls. NO MORE BANKS,I don't need alot of money hahahas (:

I'll just leave a joke for u guys in case you miss me too much hehe.
' Why did the strawberry cry?
A: because her mother was stuck in a jam.

03.Skinny Bones - The Ditty Bops