On to a cannonball run.

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Location: Singapore

" Mom! One day I'll wanna grow up to be like EuniceNg! "

Thursday, April 17, 2008

hi people, this blog may be dead for the moment. haha. cos i'll need to take care of another blog created for my storytelling module. 

kay, take care everyone! (:

Sunday, April 06, 2008

my first visit to Botak Jones last Friday.
I'll have to comment on their excellent service!
Hint: next time if you feel like having another serving, wait for one of the waiters to approach you.When they ask you how's the food,
' is anything wrong with the food?' wait for the Question.. 
'hmm,is the food not to your liking? do you want another cheesecake?'

k la i sound so aunty.
But anyway,Commendable service!(:

Sauces unite.
everyone ordered Fish and Chips.
while i ordered RoseMary Lampchops. High class hor? 
( but i ended up eating like a barbarian.Tearing and savouring every meat that i could manage to find,only to feel 'rubbery' textures. )
SOO not advisable to eat this dish haha.
oh, and as you can see.
Hui Shan's obviously saying:
'EUNICE! how i envy you people,im sitting here surrounded by the tantalising smell of Botak Jones! makes me so jealous im getting frustrated.( and thus, The Face. )

hee, okay. i just made that up. :D 
actually she ate Hawaiian pizza which was really yummy.
save me.
This morning i've decided to break the vicious cycle of over sleeping.
So, i woke up at an early 8am for breakfast and visit the market with my parents.
Fruitful one.
But when i got home,the weather was so Hot. i decided to rest and i fell asleep!
woke up around 2pm. HOW!
Elise says im dying soon due to oversleeping.(see you,i'll be the sixth person you'll meet in Heaven.) In the faraway future~
now im like.. 'fatigued with indolence'.
I want to sleep early at night and wake up early.
No long naps. NO.

So glad to see Jaime joining us for sat services again! Im like so happy to see her(:

Huifen knows someone who Huishan wants to know. Sadly, i don't know him too ):
kay kay,good night!

ps: RAIN DOWN..cos' its getting warm and stuffy.. (hums..)

Friday, April 04, 2008

good morning folks.
After derrick took notice of our eye bags last night,i realised that I've really got plenty of sleep this few days (: 
But sadly, this privilege will soon be out of my reach when school starts. Especially in media school where rumors are all around, talking about overtime editing and long stays in school.Hopefully theses are Really plain rumors. 
and insufficient sleep equates to more pimples! ooh no.

I'm so happy that Project Runway 4 has started! haha,its like SUPER nice man.
Yesterday was a breakthrough day! (:

yesterday i was having Pre-nightmares.The smell of fear just overtook me for that moment.
BUT GOD, abides in me.
'Do not be troubled nor be afraid'
and i chose not to run over to my parents room.
Realisation: Fear shortchanges you of the things within reach.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

happy April's fools day everyone! 
today i've finally got my hair cut. feel so light for that moment. (:
im blogging from huishan's house now.
we've got nothing better to do so Again, we took some ''photos/videos''.

Pardon us for all the un-glamness we're showing. we're actually really elegant girls Haha :D
I'll be heading down to jw for choir practice later on.
see you! (:

This'll be a new beginning!